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What happens if the quality of the indoor air is poor?

As directly as the effect from breathing in something bad, the tenants in such building will be exposed to high risks of health...

What happens if the quality of the indoor air is poor?

As directly as the effect from breathing in something bad, the tenants in such building will be exposed to high risks of health threats especially respiratory diseases, chronic and acute symptom of lung diseases, allergies, and headaches. The result is the low productivity by staffs in those companies, and hence the more cost on medical expenses and much more cost on the frequent absence of staffs due to sickness.

According to the survey, about 1/3 of the office workers are prone to the “Sick Building Syndrome” with the reported symptoms such as watery eyes, itching nose, running nose, stuffed nose, itching skins, and frequent headaches and dizziness without apparent causes, easily tired, frequent colds.

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